Refund and Returns Policy

Can I cancel my order?

Yes, you can. In order to cancel your order, you’ll need to send an email to Please be sure to include your order number so that our support team can better serve you.

Do you offer refunds?

Bookings can be canceled anytime, up to 24 hours prior to check-in. Bookings cannot be cancelled within 24 hours of check-in, no exceptions. For any changes in travel dates, you’ll need to cancel and rebook your parking reservation’s days. This can be easily done by emailing or calling us at 1-888-594-7275.
Please note, that any stays longer than the booking days will be charged by the parking lot/garage for any additional hours and days that were not paid for.
We do not offer refunds for unused days after your booking dates.
Rarely, due to unforeseen circumstances, your parking reservation may need to be moved to a nearby lot/garage. This will be handled by us to ensure you have a seamless experience.


Do I need to keep my order confirmation?

Yes, you need to keep your order confirmation. Confirmation emails are sent immediately after purchase. The email will also include a link where you can see your order details.

Is the website secure?

Yes, our website is very secure with the proper SSL certificates. We also have a strict policy at to never sell or share personal information with third parties.

What is your Cancellation Policy?

The cancellation terms that apply to your specific reservation is listed on your reservation confirmation.
In most cases you can cancel for a full refund up to the minute of your parking start time. For some locations you may not be able to cancel after a certain timeframe so please make sure to review the cancellation terms for the parking lot you booked.
There will be no refunds for any locations after the reservation has started and non-refundable reservations will not be eligible for refunds under any circumstances.

Safety & Liability Policy:

By utilizing the parking options provided by Cruise Parking Long Beach, you acknowledge and agree that you are parking at your own risk. Cruise Parking Long Beach is not affiliated with any hotels or parking lots where you may choose to park. By using these parking facilities, you are also agreeing to abide by the policies and terms set forth by the respective hotel garages and parking lot operators.

Cruise Parking Long Beach, its affiliates, employees, and agents, as well as the property owners where you are parking, shall not be liable for any loss, theft, damage, or injury, including but not limited to vehicle damage, personal injury, or loss of personal belongings, resulting from your use of these parking facilities. By choosing to park, you expressly waive any and all rights to pursue legal action or litigation against Cruise Parking Long Beach, its affiliates, employees, agents, and the property owners for any reason, including but not limited to negligence.

It is your sole responsibility to ensure the security of your vehicle and its contents. Cruise Parking Long Beach does not provide security or surveillance and makes no guarantees regarding the safety of your vehicle or belongings.

By using these facilities, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to this Limitation of Liability, including the waiver of any right to litigation against Cruise Parking Long Beach and the property owners where you park.